Let me start by telling you that most (not all but most) blogs are "highlight reels" of peoples lives. What I mean by that is they share the good, a little bad, and no ugly. And if they do share the bad and ugly its in a way that makes them look good in the end usually with a cute picture. Well I'm here to tell you that real life...honest to good life sometimes sucks majorly.
In the last 3 months real life sucked us in, punched us in the gut, clawed our eyes out, kicked us in the balls, poured a vat of boiling slime on us and then spit us out to deal with it. And in the middle of that our water heater went out, we put our house on the market, sold our house, the tractor broke down, the motorcycle broke down, we posted crap on craigslist to sell, went on a quick vacation, gave notice on a job, got stung by a bee on the face, got sunburnt, packed our entire house into a pod, and are now living in an empty house sleeping on an air mattress gearing up to drive to North Carolina on Thursday so Tom can start a brand new job he has had no time to prepare for.
How do you deal with real life when all of that is going on too? The answer...you don't really. You hold your head up high. You wake up each morning hoping nothing else goes wrong. You find strength in family and good friends, and you remember what your Dad told you, "Molly, sometimes life can be a bitch." And you cry or drink whichever you are in the mood for.
Although we are still very much in the middle of "real life" right now, we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope to be able to share our "real life" story at some point, but right now I'm not ready. I more so hope to be able to see the silver lining in everyday situations that can bring me back to blogging regularly again.
I will tell you that as we were packing up the pod we left certain items out that we deemed important enough to need for Tom the month of July and for me the months of July and August. You would think those items would include a few dishes, clothes, important personal documents, and a bed. What got left out? An exercise ball that we never use, the flour and sugar containers, some clothes, all of Tom's RC crap, and 4 air mattresses with holes in them. Yep, that's where our minds are at right now.
Hope you all are having a wonderful not "real life" day!