I've been craving popcorn lately. Like to the point that Tom made some soup the other night and I thought it smelled like popcorn and I kept asking him if he actually made popcorn not soup and was just hiding the popcorn from me.
I understand that I could actually just throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave to cure this craving, however I would eat the entire bag and then feel awful. So I have been resisting.
That is until yesterday. Yesterday the Polar Arctic Freeze wave hit North Carolina and it went from 60* to 9* in like an hour. Of course this happened the day I had to take the damn dogs to the vet. Which of course I had so carefully planned so that I could walk them to the vet so they wouldn't loose their damn minds / rip my arm off getting to ride in the car and go into a new place. So yesterday I walked the dogs 1.5 miles to the vet and 1.5 miles back home in 9* weather, which I believed allowed me to succumb to my recent craving of popcorn.
Now again, you would think I could just throw a bag in the microwave and be done with it. BUT the problem still existed that I would eat the entire bag and feel like barfing afterwards. Also the apartment would smell like popcorn for the next year and every time I walked in I would want more popcorn. So what is a girl to do???
Luckily I also needed to buy a special kind of battery for our scale at home. I knew they sold them across the street from where I work at Ace Hardware....
Ace Hardware has popcorn machines and free popcorn for customers.
I literally left work in 9* weather drove across the street to Ace Hardware picked up my battery and a key chain, paid, got my free bag of popcorn and went back to work. Craving satisfied, didn't feel like barfing.
I am very resourceful :)
Now head on over to your local Ace Hardware to get your free popcorn and a new key chain. I promise it's worth it!