Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sneezy, Sleepy, Doc, & Grumpy

Many of you might be thinking, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" right about now, and as much as I would like this post to be about a beautiful princess who is saved by seven cute men from her evil Stepmother, it's just not where we're going.  We're getting real here people...

If you live in or around Minnesota, or really on this planet, you know how bad allergy season has been this year.  If you live in or around me (well not in cuz that's just weird) you know about my allergy situation...it's bad people, just bad.  So lately, I've been sneezing like crazy.  My eyes water for no reason (I try to pretend I'm crying so people will at least feel bad for me), and my skin is super irritated.  Its a hot mess over here and as much as I hate to admit it, I am kinda ready for winter so everything can just die and I can go back to normal being regular allergy me.  I wonder if Snow White had allergies?  I can't imagine living in the middle of a forest in a log cabin with allergies (or at all for that matter).

I'm sure Snow White and the seven dwarfs' cabin didn't have insulation, doors, or walls. I'm so happy I do, because Tom's snoring has officially gotten out of hand.  I spent 5 of the past 7 nights in the guest room with Rocky trying to get away from the snoring (which really didn't help since Rocky snores almost as bad as Tom).  I start out in our bedroom and hope and pray that tonight will be the night he doesn't snore, but within 30 seconds (yes, it only takes Tom 30 seconds to fall asleep) its clear tonights not the night.  I unplug my phone from the charger, grab my pillow and blanket and head to the guest room.  I think the only reason Rocky comes along is because he knows he'll get to sleep in the bed, and really he's pretty smart because who wouldn't want to sleep in a bed over the floor.
This dog isn't spoiled at all!
I've tried everything to block out the snoring...turning the tv up, headphones with music, ear plugs, etc. but nothing covers up the terrible snoring sound.  It's like a loud ticking clock that never stops.  One hope I do have is that my friend Laura, who used to be a helicopter pilot for the Army, said she has some really good ear plugs I could try.  She said they covered up the sounds of F15's flying over her while she was stationed in Afghanistan.  Surely Tom's snoring isn't louder than an F15...it couldn't be could it?!?!?  Needless to say I'm a bit sleepy (which if you know me at all = grumpy), but the Doc???  He's good to go.  Maybe tonight in my dreams (which will most likely happen in the guest room) I'll become a beautiful princess who will be saved by seven men from the allergies and snoring.  Until then, I have to go because I just sneezed all over the computer and I need to desanitize before my sleepless night.
Goodnight, Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!


  1. This post is hilarious. I mean, I feel bad because of your snoring and allergy situation BUT your writing makes me laugh!
