Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Fall Y'All

Because I HATE Halloween we are not celebrating.  However, I do love Fall and it is just starting to look like Fall here in North Carolina so that is what we will be celebrating.  That and my love for candy corn and caramels!
Halloween was awesome when I was little.  My first "real" costume was Cookie Monster.  My Mom made my costume (she had to call in sick to work just to finish it) and it was amazing!  I'm pretty sure I was Cookie Monster until I grew out of the costume!

After the Cookie Monster years I was, in no particular order, a "Hippie", a "50's Girl" with the BEST hot pink poodle skirt, a pumpkin, and Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
Now normally I don't think I would have remembered the year I was Alice, but that year ended up being epic solely based on my Dad's costume.  See, the year I was Alice was also the year the original Batman movie came out.  Now if you've ever seen my Dad you know he has a serious resemblance to Jack Nicholson who played the joker in Batman...put the two together and you have my Dad dressed up as the Joker.  It also just so happened this was the year we were going to a big Halloween party that had a costume contest (the one and only time I think we were ever invited).  Let's just say my Dad won hands down and also scared many of the little kids in attendance (probably the reason we were never invited back!).

Seriously creepy resemblance right????
Also, how cute are Ben the cowboy and I as Alice????

After the fun elementary years of Halloween came the scary years of middle school when it was cool to go to haunted houses and right there is when I was D-O-N-E with Halloween.  I don't do well with things that jump out at me and I HATE being scared.
So tonight Tom and I will be enjoying Fall and all the pictures of cute kids in costumes on facebook.

Happy Fall Y'All!



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