Thursday, November 28, 2013


Wikipedia defines elastic as, a colloquial noun for certain kinds of elastomers and stretchable fabrics.
Yep, that's what I'm thankful for...stretchable fabrics.  Leggings, Jeggings, Spanx, Spandex, and lets not forget our ole favorite sweat pants.  On a day like today, we ALL need to be thankful for this colloquial noun.
Seriously though, I LOVE Thanksgiving.  The food is my favorite.  There are no presents.  Family is just together enjoying each other.  It's the best.  We usually watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and then Football.  We lounge around, cook, eat, laugh, and tell stories all day.  We don't go shopping (unless we forgot an ingredient for the Pumpkin Pie).
This year we will be celebrating in North Carolina.  Away from some family and all our friends.  My parents will be traveling from Iowa to visit which I am very thankful for.  And Tom has a little time off which I am extremely thankful for.  It will still be weird though, not seeing Tyler dance around with napkins in his hands saying, "I'm a birdie, I'm a birdie!" and not seeing Matty gobble down as much food as his Uncle Tom, well that can't be replicated.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember wear your stretchable fabrics!


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