Thursday, December 12, 2013

blurbtinis minus the cake

The other day I was trying to find out if you can share Google Play Books with a Kindle.  I typed into my Google search bar "can you sh" and suggestions of what I might be searching for started popping up.  The first suggestion was "can you shoot up xanex", the second suggestion was "can you shoot a gun in space", and the third suggestion that popped up was "can you shoot molly".  I immediately stopped looking at the suggestions because A.) I didn't want to know the answer to suggestion three, and B.) I didn't want to know what else people were wondering if they could shoot.  I finally did get my answer, and no, you cannot share Google Play Books with a Kindle.  However, you can shoot up xanex if you're wondering.


When I first met Tom he did not know how to tie a tie.  This is not a slight at Tom it is just a fact.  He didn't need to know how to tie one.  He hated dressing up and it took him about 15 minutes to get his dress shirt tucked into his dress pants.  I remember when he was getting ready for his White Coat Ceremony at the beginning of medical school he got all sweaty, angry and flustered because he hated getting dressed up so much.  He even faked a choking noise when I buttoned the top button on his shirt and put his tie on.
However now he can tie a tie in his sleep and can get completely ready and out the door in the time it used to take him to tuck in his shirt.  There are no longer choking noises when he puts his tie on, and his shirt is not pitted out before he gets somewhere.
Last weekend he had to travel to Oklahoma with the Women's Basketball team.  Usually on travel days he either wears a warm up suit like the team or a shirt and tie.  This weekend when he was getting packed up and ready to leave I asked him was he wearing his warm up suit or shirt and tie on the plane.  His answer literally made my jaw drop..."I'm more comfortable in the shirt and tie so I'll wear that."  Never in a million years did I ever think I would hear the words I'm more comfortable in a shirt and tie over sweat pants come out of my husbands mouth!


The other night Tom and I were watching the show "Tanked" on Netflix.  It's super funny and I highly recommend it.  Anyway, someone on the show said, "Building that tank was no cakewalk" and it got me to thinking...
First of all I started thinking about how good some cake would be.
Secondly I started thinking about the saying, "easy as a cakewalk or that was no cakewalk".  The saying "cakewalk" is meant to mean a task that is suuper easy.  However, if you think back to your elementary school "Fun Night" days you might remember a game called The Cake Walk.  It was my favorite game because you needed absolutely no skill.  It was as easy as the game where you picked a lollipop out of the cardboard cut-out tree.  For the cake walk all you did was walk around in a circle to music.  When the music stopped you looked down to see what number you were standing on.  Then the mom or dad running the game picked a number out of a hat and if you were standing on that number you won a cake!  Suuper easy right?  Except the problem I have is, I never won a damn cake.  No matter how many times I walked around the stupid circle I never won.  So really cakewalk is not easy unless you win the cake.  Then I guess it's ok if you use the saying, but only if you really won a cake.

Cakeless Molly

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