Saturday, November 10, 2012

Confession (30 Before 30 # Who cares we're almost done!)

Confession: I once painted my nails with white car touch up paint.
Why: I was bored waiting in the car for my Mom and found the touch up paint in the glovebox and there were no snacks.
Outcome: Car touch up paint does not come off with nail polish remover..or anything else for that matter.  I had white nails for a looong time, then when my nails started growing out I had half white nails.
Oh also during this time I was selected to play a piano solo in a highly competitive competition where the judge practically sits on the piano bench with you.  My mother was mortified.  I told her, "that's why you always keep snacks in the car!"
Lesson to be learned: always keep snacks in the car, and never paint your nails with car paint.

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