Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have flown over every conflict since my inception into this world.  I have seen the grassy fields of Gettysburg, the waters in the Pacific, the sands of Iraq, the skies over Yugoslavia, and the mountains of Afghanistan.  The mere sight of me invokes tears of joy, pride, and dedication to those who believe in what I stand for.  I also provoke fear in the hearts of terrorists and nations of those who oppose me.
I know no gender or race or religion, and accept all who will accept me.  I am no God, but hold a bond over men and women who serve under me that is equal.  I have no voice, but people listen.  I cover a nation with hope and vision, and sadly blanket those who have given us everything.  Of all the nations and all the flags, none makes its presence known as I.
I am a leader among leaders.  I encompass the lives of friends and family, brothers and sisters, this living and the dead.  I will continue to give hope to those who do not fully understand my message of freedom, and meaning to those who do.  In return for all I can give, I ask for but one thing.  This I cannot tell you, it is something that only you will come to know.  I do ask that you be patient for I am young and continue to build on the great principles from which I was borne.  Proudly display me for all the world to see, and look to me, and I will show you the past, the present, and the future.  I am committed to you, the children of my country.


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