Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Communication (Not Our Best Quality)

Tom and I admittedly have communication problems.  It's been this way since the dawn of time, or at least since the dawn of our relationship.  It's actually been a running joke with our friends, no matter where we live and no matter what group of friends.

People quickly realize they have to tell us both what is going on because Tom or I won't relay the message to the other person until the last minute or maybe even when we're already on our way.  For example, one time I was half way to Des Moines for the weekend to visit my parents when I realized I hadn't told Tom I was going to be gone.  Molly communication fail.

One time I showed up to dinner at a friend's house straight from the gym, only to find out it was an engagement party and everyone was dressed up.  Also I didn't know the people who had gotten engaged.  Tom communication fail.

Two weekends ago we RSVP'd to three different dinner parties.  We realized it the day before.  Luckily we both went to the first, I left early and went to the second and then met Tom again at the third.  Couple communication fail.

Luckily we are both I am pretty laid back and just go with the flow.  The problem comes when you show up to a wine party without a bottle of wine, or a potluck style party without anything to share.  I am good at blaming Tom and he is good at blaming me, and so the circle goes round.  Really we should probably work on this, and admittedly we try, but I think we are just doomed.  What one person deems important the other doesn't.

Eric and Kim (who really are becoming regular characters in this blog) gave us a hard time this past weekend.

Yep it really did take that much for us all to figure out we were going / meeting at church and going to brunch.  Our lives would probably be much easier if we just talked.  Until's up to you all :)

I Talk A Lot Just Not When It Matters Molly

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Random Tuesday

Randomness #1:
Last night I went to the grocery store.  There were a series of ads where you checkout.

Apparently Addie got a modeling gig I was unaware of :)  Seriously though, doesn't that look just like Addie who is in the right picture???  I told my Dad she was available for his next advertising campaign.  Ha!

Randomness #2:
I woke up this morning with three bruises on my leg.  I have no idea how I got them.

Randomness #3:
 Have you ever ridden in a limo with all the lights on???  It's like sitting in a hot tub without the jets on...awkward.  AND, why is it whenever the jets go off the naked people are always the first to jump out to turn them back on?  Seriously people, let the clothed people take care of it...we don't mind.

Randomness #4:
 We very rarely have ice cream in the house, but when we do I try to buy frozen yogurt or at least the low fat stuff.  I usually get cookie dough (obviously) or cookies & cream.  The other day I accidentally bought real cookie dough ice cream.  DID YOU KNOW THEY PUT WAAAAAY MORE BIG CHUNKS OF COOKIE DOUGH IN THE REAL STUFF?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I feel like I've been totally ripped off.  I thought I was just buying the low fat ice cream part not low fat mix-in's.  So, basically I am saying I want low fat vanilla ice cream with full fat, big chunks of cookie dough.  Does that diminish the purpose of low fat ice cream???

Randomness #5:
Tom tried to teach me how to use the snow blower.  I felt like it went really well.  He felt like it went really not well.  We still have some lessons ahead of us.

My Dog is a Model

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Sorry for being MIA the last week.  An idiot I work with decided to come to work sick and has now proceeded to get EVERYONE sick.  And by everyone I mean everyone...literally the entire staff is sick and we just keep passing it around.  It's a petri dish full of germs up in here.  One girl has already used all her sick days for the year and it's only January (and she's still sick now for the second time).  I had to use two sick days, but don't worry Tom said it was just a cold and I needed to suck it up (he has the best bedside manner).

The nightstand with Lysol, sudafed, and kleenex.  The pups who are good snugglers and have a good bedside manner (clearly they got that from their mom).

I knew I was officially sick when nothing sounded good to eat (not even cookie dough).  I think I ate 2 pieces of toast in a three day period.  And you better believe the first thing I did once I was feeling better was to step on the scale to see how much weight I'd lost (4lbs).

I guess the only good thing about being sick was that I happened to be sick on the two coldest days in the last 1,466 days.  I think the high Monday was like -10 and the windshield was -40 (those numbers are probably wildly inaccurate double check with Belinda Jensen if you want accuracy) but I do know they were in the negatives.  When I finally graced everyone the dogs with my presence Monday morning afternoon night and let them out they looked at me like I was crazy.  Addie ran out the door obviously not expecting the cold got half way down the hill and then the cold hit her.  She looked back at me peed and ran back inside narrowly escaping Rocky who was smarter and practically peed right on the step.

Top Left = the door in the mudroom.  No we do not have fancy frosted glass, that is actual frost on the glass INSIDE!  Bottom Right = the door handle covered in frost.  The other two pictures you can't tell very well but there is frost there I promise, and these are INSIDE with storm windows / storm door!  That is how cold it is!

Finally by Tuesday late afternoon I was feeling better and decided January 22 was a good day to finally take down the Christmas tree.  Tom and I have been busy playing "guess the tune", "finger or twig", and "which dog is licking me?" lately and didn't make taking the tree down a priority.  Now I'm sure you're all wondering about the games we've been playing, and no they aren't inappropriate if that's what you're thinking.

These boxes may or may not still be sitting in the living room (they are).

Tom is crazy good at knowing a song after just the first chord.  Seriously, next time you're around him play a song...any song and he will know what it is.  AND if it was in a movie he will be able to tell you what movie and describe the scene for you.  It's mind blowing.  So "guess the tune" is a game that I inevitably always lose.  Basically we open iTunes or pandora put the songs on shuffle and see who can name the artist and title first.  Pretty much the only songs I ever win are Christmas Songs, Mozart, Beyonce, James Taylor and Chris Isaac.

Finger or twig (can be played with any other object not just a twig) is a game Tom invented in Jamaica a few years ago.  One person closes their eyes and the other touches them with either their finger or the twig.  Wow, the more I describe it the worse it sounds...I'm just gonna quit while I'm ahead.  But I will say this, we played it with my Mom on the beach and she thought it was fun too.  Yeah Molly, still sounding bad and now getting weird.

Ok well moving on, the final game "which dog is licking me" is self explanatory.  You have to guess without looking which dog is licking you.  Seriously, what is up with these games sounding so weird?!?  They don't seem weird in the moment...

Tom cheated...he knew it was Addie all along :)

Well this post has gone from sick to I don't even know, so I'm going to stop here.  Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.  Until then...

I've Shared Too Much Molly

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Lesson From Bambi

*I've been debating whether or not to say anything...I don't like conflict or confrontation.*

We all remember the cute little deer named Bambi who stole our hearts in the animated movie.  There is a specific scene in that movie where a little bunny named Thumper tries to teach Bambi words.  He teaches him the words bird and flower.  As Bambi gets more confident in using his words he accidentally calls a skunk flower.  Thumper laughs at Bambi, but is quickly reprimanded by his mother who asks him, "what did your father teach you this morning?"  And Thumper replies, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

I believe we all need to take a moment to remember the lesson little Thumper taught us.  It seems like lately people are forgetting how hurtful words can be, or how ignorant they can sound if they speak before they think.

I first want to say I am not pointing fingers at any specific people or using this post as a way to confront people without actually confronting them (there is a term for this but I can't think of what it is).  Believe me, I've confronted people already.  I second want to say I often do not think before I speak and am sorry if this has caused you any hurt.  I know I eat my words a lot, and sound ignorant a lot and I am working on it.  Thirdly and lastly I want to say that yes, I would much rather hear the truth from someone rather than something nice.  For example, I would much rather hear "Molly your house smells like dog" so I can fix it rather than people saying my house smells good but really they are holding their breath.  Get it???

Ok, so the reason for all of this.

Since the announcement of Duke people keep asking about our living / moving / my job / etc. situations and to be honest we haven't even talked about it.  Before match day we talked about many, many, many different scenarios.  Would we sell our house, would we rent our house, would Tom move and I stay, would we both go, and the list went on and on.  We never made any decisions, but kind of felt like since the fellowship is only a year I might stay and Tom might go.  Many factors go into this decision (that hasn't been made yet) one of which is the dogs.

Because the fellowship is only a year we obviously wouldn't purchase a new home, but instead try and rent an apartment or house.  Many Most rental places do not allow you to have dogs.  If they do it is like one dog under 50 pounds if that, so having 2 dogs over 50 pounds puts us at a huge disadvantage.

Lately, as I've explained our situation I've gotten a wide variety of responses / opinions.  Most ranging from, "Wow I don't know if I could be away from my husband for a year!" to "He'll be super busy anyway you might as well stay."  Those kinds of responses are great.  The responses like, "Why don't you just take your dogs back to the shelter you got them from, then your problems will be solved" and "Can't you just kennel your dogs for the year" are not great.  Seriously people?!?!?  You obviously do NOT know Tom or I very well to suggest something like that.

First of all, we rescued both of our dogs from Shelters.  They both had been abused and still show signs of it when scared.  We've worked really hard to get them where they are today, and honestly they are a part of our family.  They've learned to trust and love us, and we've learned to trust and love them.  I can't imagine taking a shower and not having Rocky laying on the bath mat next to me, or Addie licking my hand in the morning after she hears me press snooze one to many times.

Yes I know I bitch and moan about them, and yes they drive me crazy half the time, but so does Tom and I wouldn't send him back to the shelter just to make my life easier.  I love him and I love them and getting rid of them is NOT an option.

Opinions and honesty are appreciated when helpful and realistic but let's all remember, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."  Because hearing "get rid of your dogs" makes me sad and is not nice.

And really, who could get rid of these sweet babies???

Yes I realize they are dogs and not humans, but I believe they have feelings just like we do.  I could never let them down after all this and send them back to a Shelter or Kennel for that matter.

Rocky and Addie's Mom

P.S. please remember this is ONE factor in a bucket of many that will determine what Tom and I feel is best for OUR marriage, and OUR situation.  Thank you to those of you who have been supportive and have listened, Tom and I both really appreciate it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Verdict Is In...thank God the wait is over

Well my friends, the day we've been waiting for is here and we have very very good news.  I am very happy / proud to announce that Tom matched at Duke University in North Carolina!!!!!  He flip / flopped between Iowa and Duke being his #1 choice so he is extremely happy.  Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We truly felt a strong presence with us today.

Now it's time to celebrate!!!!!

The Newest Blue Devils Fan Molly

Oh and because you are all so sweet and are asking about Tom's friend, Maria.  She matched at UCONN her #1 choice.  We are all very proud!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love Ya, Tomorrow, You're Only a Day Away

Just like the little red-headed Annie sang, I too can't wait for tomorrow.  Even more so I think, Tom can't wait for tomorrow.  Now you may be wondering, what is tomorrow?  And that would be a valid question.  We haven't talked about it much lately around here because we've just been sitting around waiting for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is match day.  Tomorrow is the day Tom finds out if, when, and where he will be doing a Sports Medicine Fellowship.  Tomorrow is the day I've been dreading / anxiously waiting for since July.

When going through match day for residency it was much different.  Tom felt very confident that he would indeed match.  The Medical school put on a huge party for the actual match process.  Tom received an e-mail a few days prior letting him know he did indeed match.  Everyone was going through it together.  We had an inkling we would be moving out of state.

This time...a whole different ballgame.  Tom does not feel 100% confident he will match.  There is no party except the one we are throwing at our house for him and Maria (who is also going through match day).  Tom didn't and won't receive an e-mail confirming he matched before tomorrow to ease that part of the process.  Only one other person in his program is going through it with him.  We have no idea where he will end up.

To say we are a bit nervous / on edge is a complete understatement.  The other night I just started screaming at Tom for no reason what-so-ever, then went to buy him beer and started crying.  I'm nuts.

I struggle with the idea that in one moment I will be happy, nervous, excited, sad, and shocked.  I struggle with the concept that this is ALL for Tom and not me, I mean yes, it is about me a little but I need to make sure if I am sad about where he ends up even if it is a great spot I let him be happy and not make it about how I'm feeling.  Or vice-versa if he's upset about the outcome and I'm happy.  I don't know I just need to make sure I let him feel how he's feeling and not make it about me.  I struggle often with the, "It's all about me" thing.  I'm like a little kid.  Oh Lord, I just hope tomorrow I can be an adult.

So, tomorrow...please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  I know this isn't some life threatening procedure, but it is a BIG deal to us and we could use all the good thoughts we can get.  My prayer for tomorrow is this:  Please let Tom match, please help me be a good and supportive wife to Tom no matter what the outcome may be.

I'll make sure to let you all know (after family) what the outcome is.  Thank you all for your support throughout this entire process.

Nervous Stomach in Knots Molly

The way the match process works, as I understand it, is as follows:
  • You apply to programs (Tom applied to 77,000 I can't remember the actual number but it was more than 20)
  • You receive interview requests (Tom received interviews at all the places he applied to except 2)
  • You choose which interviews to accept (Tom accepted and went on 10 interviews: University of Minnesota, University of Iowa, Duke University, University of North Carolina, Moses Cone, Maine, University of Kentucky, Oklahoma City, Ohio State University, and Toledo.)
  • You rank the programs and they rank you (basically Tom went through each program he interviewed at and had to decide his first, second, third, and so on choice.  The programs do the same with all the people they interviewed.)
  • You submit your rank list and the programs submit their rank list
  • A computer program matches the lists up (for example if Tom ranked Iowa #1 and Iowa ranked him #1 that would be a perfect match and he would go there.  It gets dicey when Tom ranks Iowa #1 and they rank him #2 but the person Iowa ranked #1 ranks Iowa #2.  Its super confusing.  The part that makes Tom so unsure about matching is all 10 programs could have ranked him high, but if he didn't rank them close to the same they might wash out and other people might get the spots.)
  • Match Day (Tom doesn't know if he will get an e-mail or what or when but tomorrow is the day he finds out.)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

An Anniversary Trip with the Prchal's

Part 2 to yesterday's post.  Start HERE if you haven't read "Up North" yet!

I love Tom, obviously.  But sometimes he can be a bit much to handle on my own.  He is very high energy, I am very not high energy.  He likes to do anything and everything outdoors, I like to sleep in and go to the spa.

Last year we went to Lutsen (another "up North" spot) in the winter to get some much needed R & R and ended up hiking a mountain very steep hill with about a foot of snow on it.  Tom literally had to push my fat ass up the hill.  So this year when we started talking about getting away for our anniversary I had a wonderful idea.  Let's invite Eric & Kim to join us.  That way when Tom wants to go hike Eric can go with him and Kim and I can go shop and get our nails done.

So Tom and I went to Pequot Lakes Friday, spent our actual anniversary just the two of us and Eric & Kim came up Sunday.  It was the perfect plan...until the first morning when they were calling at 9am.  The first thing I said to Tom? "We need friends that sleep in!"

Now last Sunday you know there was a BIG football game (Vikings vs. Packers).  The Vikings had to win (which they did) to make it to the playoffs.  We decided to go to a sports bar to watch the game.  When we walked in we saw a line of crockpots on a table and a ton of people.  (spell check wants me to change crockpots to crackpots.  No spell check we did not see a bunch of crackpots when we walked in).  At first I thought maybe we'd walked into a private party or a potluck, but oh no we'd walked into the annual Spam cook-off.  Right up our alley!  The announcer went over the rules on how to vote and told everyone it was $1 to try everything and vote.  Tom tried to give me $1 (probably the only time he's ever willingly given me money) but I quickly refused.  Seriously, you want me to try everything Spam???  No thank you!

Luckily we arrived at the bar a little while before the game started (and the spam cook-off) because we got the last 4 stools at the bar.  They were actually perfect seats.  Right in front of a big TV, right in front of the crazy waitress who told us she would let a celebrity beat her for money or something, and right in front of the popcorn machine.  Within .2 seconds Eric asked the first waitress 55 questions and we basically never saw her again the entire game.  We ordered drinks and got cozy as the game began.

I quickly realized the best "small town" action was actually in the bathroom where one trip lead me to the middle of a conversation between a mother and daughter.  The mother was telling the daughter she was mad that her boyfriend got her a new laptop for Christmas because she didn't want her going to college, and the second trip landed me in the middle of a grandma trying to help her grandson go to the bathroom.  The grandson decided he needed to get completely naked to go (sorta reminded me of my brother and the freezing cold Chinese restaurant in Illinois) and also wanted confirmation that after he went the grandma would go too so he could flush both the potties down.  *Disclaimer...I do realize both of these situations could have happened anywhere not just a small town*

By the fourth quarter the drinks had been flowing for a while and the game was close.  When the Vikings finally pulled ahead and won Eric, who is not small to say the least, stood up in the middle of the bar and started chanting, "MVP, MVP".  At once the bar quieted and everyone started staring.  It was awesome.  Kim and I died laughing and Eric sat down like nothing had happened.  Don't we all fit in so well?!?

The next morning Kim and I decided to do a little shopping at the local stores and get manicures.  We found some sweet fleece lined leggings, grabbed a cup of coffee, and headed to the "salon".  You may be wondering why the word "salon" is in quotes...because really it was in a house.  After Kim and I got a bit freaked out about it we ran inside to escape the -15* weather.  It started out normal enough, the heat was broken, an old lady was confused about her appointment time, and we were 10 minutes late.  You know, normal!  Well things got a bit not normal after that.  I tried on about 77 different nail polish colors while Kim was getting her manicure and ended up getting nail polish all over everything.  Our manicurist started telling us all about how she and her boyfriend broke up but still lived together, the guys called us and told us to go get fishing licenses for Eric & Kim (sam hell do you do that?) and then we learned about how people poop on the floor of the salon.  It was the craziest manicure of all time!  After we were finished we quickly paid and left.  By the time I got back to the hotel and changed my manicure looked like this:

This is not my real hand but a pic I found online.  My manicure looked worse than this.

Biggest waste of money ever.  I tried to hide it from Tom as long as I could, but he noticed pretty quickly and asked if it was a new nail painting technique.  Yes shit paint is a new technique Tom, yes yes it is.

After the manicure massacre we headed out ice fishing again.  We really wanted to catch some big fish so we decided to go out with a guide who would put us right on the biggies, Walleye.  We met "Trax" as Kim thought his name was, it was actually Ryan and followed him to the lake.  He then put a 4 wheeler on the ice with a trailer hooked to it and told us to get on.  We all piled on the trailer with our stuff (you know pizza, beer, whiskey, cookies...regular stuff you take ice fishing) and headed to the house.  The house was a permanent ice house with a wall heater, beds, and 6 holes to fish out of.  Kim was hilarious because she'd never been ice fishing before.  When Tom asked Ryan how deep we were fishing Kim thought that was how deep the ice was, 24 feet!  And when there was a boom Kim screamed and was ready to be done.  I have to admit I was the same way the first time I went ice fishing last year.  Even Tyler, my then 4 year old nephew made fun of me.

Eric and Ryan were the only successful catchers.  Ryan caught a walleye and Eric caught a walleye and a northern.  Although it wasn't great fishing we still had a ton of fun.

We had reservations that night (NYE) at Manhattans.  They were serving a 6 course dinner.  It was fancy and delicious.  They had loaded Bloody Mary's that lived up to their name, and food that was to die for.  During dinner Eric and Kim got to witness what I deal with everyday.  Tom's mumbling and asking what every 5 seconds.  Eric started saying what constantly and has now been a running joke ever since.  WHAT??  They say it when it doesn't make sense, at the end of almost every sentence, and just because it is too quiet what.  Now I don't know if Tom is really asking what? or just saying what.  My life is confusing.

Kim and I rang in 2013 getting a tan in our pj's (sitting on lounge chairs inside the pool area at the hotel) and the guys rang in 2013 in the pool with some other weirdo.  It was magical to say the least what.!.  Tom had bad acid reflux and Eric had bad butt flux (you can decide what that might mean) but we kissed them at midnight just the same.  We love our guys :)

The Prchal's and Mullin's certainly hope your NYE was as magical as ours, and wish you health and happiness in the coming year.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

"Up North"

8 years ago I was a shop-aholic, had never really been camping (unless you count OLS at Camp Wawenock), and defined a vacation as somewhere out of state with a beach.  Not that there is anything at all wrong with that, secretly I sort of admire people who still get to be / think that.  But 8 years ago (give or take) when I walked into that stupid Stretch & Tone Class, my life changed...I met Tom.

During our first summer together we decided to get-a-way for a week.  Tom suggested the Wisconsin Dells (the waterpark capital of the USA) and I was totally on board.  I hadn't been to many water parks, but figured it must be better than White Water University in Des Moines, IA with its two water slides and a wave pool.  He said he would make the plans and I was happy to let him.  When the time finally came I packed my bags and drove to meet him in MN (I was living in IA that summer) and we would head to Wisconsin (No I don't know the abbreviation for Wisconsin and am too lazy to look it up) from there.  When I arrived in MN he was packing a lot of stuff.  Coolers, Flashlights, big long bags with poles in them, wood, and I was a little confused to say the least.  I asked him what all the stuff was for and his answer??? "for our campsite."  Pretty sure my jaw hit the floor when I realized we were going camping for a week.  He swears he told me, but I must have had selective hearing or thought he was joking.

Something close to the look I probably gave him when he told me we were camping for a week.

Well I obviously survived that camping trip, and honestly it was one of the best / most fun trips (most fun???  Not sure if that's proper grammar but whateves) I've ever had.  A whole new world was opened up to me.

Tom and me at the Wisconsin we were skinny.

The whole point of telling you that story is to give you some idea of how much my life has changed (for the better) since meeting, dating, and marrying Tom.  Let's now fast forward from 2005 to last week.

Last week December 29 was our 5 year wedding anniversary, my how the time flies.  It seems like just yesterday I was getting ready to walk down the aisle.

Love this pic from our wedding.

Since 5 years is sorta a big deal Tom and I decided we wanted to get-a-way for the long weekend.  We didn't have the monetary means to go some where far, and didn't want to have to drive too far, so we decided to go "up north".  Now to many of you who think I already live in Canada, I know I live up North already.  But there is a saying Minnesotans use when they are going to Northern Minnesota...they say, "we are going up north" and everyone just knows what it means.

So our "up North" meant the Brainerd Lakes area, more specifically Pequot Lakes.  Pequot Lakes is no more than 2 miles long and has maybe two gas stations, a bait shop, some cute local shops (and by some I mean 2), a salon, and a grocery store.  It's small town at its best.  Everyone is super friendly.  There is not a Starbucks for miles.

We arrived Friday evening to our luxurious jacuzzi fireplace suite and pretty much didn't leave the room until Saturday afternoon to go ice fishing.  Yes, I did say ice fishing.

Last year Tom and I finally found something outside we like to do together, ice fish.  I mostly like to do it because I am a fish slayer and always catch the most fish.  Tom says the only reason I catch the most fish is because he is doing all the work like putting bait on my hook, setting everything up, and taking the fish off my hook, but I say if he really wanted to catch fish he could :).  So yes, we spent our 5 year anniversary ice fishing on Pelican Lake and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way (unless there could have been a beach involved).

Our little set up.  Thanks to Tom's Dad & Mom for letting us borrow steal their ice house these past years.

We literally walked a half mile out to the middle of the lake to set up.  All the white is snow covering the ice that is the lake.

Sunset "up North" in the middle of the lake.

Tom...too concerned with his stogie to catch any fish.  Ladies he's taken...

See I actually have a line in the water.  And yes I am sitting on a bucket, but that's the price you have to pay if you want the seat with the heater facing you :)

Part 2 of our trip "up North" will come tomorrow.  You should probably hold your breath because it's gonna be a good one, maybe, not sure really...well nevermind don't hold your breath that puts too much pressure on me.  It will be mediocre.  We will talk football, spam, more ice fishing, butt flux, and how the word "what" has changed forever.

Fish Slayer Molly

Friday, January 4, 2013

Holidays in the Traditional Happiness House

Holidays in the Traditional Happiness house are quite well...traditional.

We I set up a Christmas Tree

We have fires in the fireplace and listen to Christmas Music
We go to church on Christmas Eve

We open presents and wear what we've opened immediately

Even the dogs get presents mailed to them

This year the dogs got extra special presents from their Grandma and Grandpa.  Grandma and Grandpa Mullin gave them special treats, and Grandma and Grandpa Langwith sent them new Holiday collars.

They especially loved sniffing each others collars.

Now Addie girl got a sweet green and white fuzzy collar, but poor Rocky boy got a collar with jingle bells on it.  The bells were not quiet to say the least, and poor Rocky kept trying to get away from all the noise.  Little did he know he couldn't!  Every slight movement he made they jingled.  He even got Addie to try and bite the collar off, but with no success.  Needless to say we didn't make him wear it very often, except when people were coming over or to terrorize the poor guy :)

A close up of the jingle jangle collar.

Luckily Tom went to a staff Christmas party where they exchange white elephant gifts and got this bad boy:
Yes that is a blow up moose/deer head.

Which has nice antlers for the loud collar to hang on.  The dogs have a love / hate relationship with the deer/moose.

Addie is a bit braver than Rocky, who wouldn't go near the thing, but did do a lot of growling from far away :)
Overall we had a lovely, very relaxing holiday and hope you did too.

Sad that the Holidays are over Molly

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Smells of the Holidays

Many of you have been asking what I baked this holiday season, and many of you who got to eat what I baked have been asking for the recipes.  So this post is for you!  None of these recipes are gluten free or healthy, but all of these recipes are delicious!  To get to each recipe click on the name of the recipe or item.

The first thing I made were cookie/brownie things which you saw here as a baking failure.  Although they didn't look pretty they did taste pretty.

At a recent staff meeting I got off topic (surprise surprise) and started asking if anyone knew how to make those cream cheese mints you get at weddings or bridal showers.  I tried to bribe my friend Rick to get his wife to make some, but he didn't come through for me, so I learned how to make my own.

While shopping at my local co-op I found shelled pistachios and dried cranberries on sale in bulk, and was reminded of a cookie recipe I pinned on pinterest that I wanted to try. 

These have been given wonderful reviews from everyone who's tried them...not trying to toot my own horn, just sayin' :)

Tom's extended family usually gets together sometime around Christmas and this year we did it potluck style.  Of course I signed up to bring dessert 1.) because I love to bake and 2.) because I wanted to make sure there would be dessert.  The way I see it, when you do potluck style you better bring something you know you want to be there just in case no one else does.

This is not my own picture...I forgot to take a picture of these, so this comes from the link.  Although mine did look this beautiful :)  AND, these were probably my favorite thing of the entire holiday season.

I also brought spiced nuts to the family party.  The link is to the recipe I went off of, but I didn't follow it exactly.  There were Vegan's there that I wanted to be able to enjoy the nuts.  I also used pistachios (left over from the cookies above).  The picture is a few cups of them in a holiday baggie I took to some neighbors.

My mom and I loooove caramels.  Especially the squishy, sticky, homemade kind.  I'd seen a bunch of recipes on pinterest for caramels and decided to give it a try.

I should have cut them smaller because they were very rich, but very delicious.

Have you been to Starbucks lately?  Have you seen or tried the Cranberry Bliss Bars?  Well let me just tell you they are amazing, so when I saw a copycat recipe for them I just had to make them.  They are a bit time consuming, but worth it.  Again I used the extra dried cranberries from the cookies above, and should have cut them smaller because they are dense.  Also if I make them again I will use a larger pan to make the crust thinner.

In the fall I bought a bunch of Libby Pumpkin when it was on sale because I thought I would have to make a pie or two.  When I didn't I ended up with a bunch of extra cans of Libby Pumpkin and wasn't sure what to do with them.  I clicked through a few boards on pinterest and found some pumpkin cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting that looked divine.

I also packaged some of these up for our neighbors.

And there you have it!  I would definitely make all of these recipes again.  Although I would try and give more away rather than eat them!

Fat & Happy Molly