Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Airport Pick-Up

Seinfeld did an entire episode on the importance of the "airport pick-up" so I should know what it entails (I mean Seinfeld is reality right?!?), checking the time, checking the route, checking the airport, etc., etc.  I felt pretty confident in my skills after re-watching the episode and decided I could definitely pick my husband up at the airport with no problems...HAHA  yeah right!
First problem, I was too excited that he was coming home.
Second problem, I didn't confirm the time of arrival.
Third problem, I didn't know there was construction on the route or at the airport itself.

I went to Target first to give them some free $$ and to kill time.  Then got bored cuz I certainly wasn't giving them any of my moolah after the return debacle and well let's be honest Target is boring if you're not spending money.  So I decided to head to the airport and could wait a little bit.  In my head the time of arrival was 10:28pm.  Luckily I left early because there was major construction on the route to the airport and some minor construction at the airport itself.  But I found a good spot to park (no high-on-their-horses airport police came and made me move) and I waited.  I checked my e-mail and caught up on my Words with Friends and Word Scramble with Friends on my phone.  Checked the time and it was already 10:12 (Tom could be texting me any minute that he's landed!)  And I waited...waited.....waited.....and waited...
It was well past 10:28 when I decided maybe I should check that e-mail he sent me with his flight info.  Oh yeah, well um...time of arrival 10:48pm.  Oh well only 20min off!

So much for the perfect airport pick-up...I apologize Jerry Seinfeld...I let you down.

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