Friday, August 17, 2012

Give me some credit

A good idea is hard to come by.  They are few and far between in my world, so when I have one I want some credit.  Maybe I'm shallow or whatever, but when it's such a good idea that people actually listen and take action I want some damn credit!
Now, I'm not saying I want my name listed in the newspaper or on a billboard (bright lights in Times Square would be acceptable however), I just think its fair to give credit where credit's due.
Let me back track a little bit...
In the past few months I've come up with two (YES TWO!) really positive, helpful, great ideas at work.  Both ideas have been implemented and been a success.  The problem is this...another person is taking full credit for the ideas!  Now, it's not like I privately suggested these ideas.  I said them out loud in a staff meeting.  EVERYONE heard the words come out of my mouth.  Yet somehow they've all gotten amnesia and forgotton who really came up with the ideas.
Maybe I just need to let it all go, but really I don't want to.  I wanna pout and be mad about it.  I want my name flashing in lights telling the world that I came up with TWO great ideas, cuz we all know I'm probably done for the year now.


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