Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Laziness Confession (30 Before 30 #17)

I confess I am super lazy and a HUGE procrastinator.  Sleeping is probably my favorite thing to do, like ever.  My friend Kim says she wants to clip coupons with me on Sunday mornings, but that would mean I'd have to get up before 11am and that probably won't happen.
I've always liked to sleep.  I used to sleep more.  I remember being able to sleep til 2:30pm.  But now I am a married looser and don't go out on the weekends so 11:30am is about as late as I sleep these days. On week days I have to be to work at 9am and I literally set my alarm for 8am hit snooze as many times as I can and actually end up rolling out of bed between 8:30-8:40.  It's bad.
Moving on to my procrastination.  I am not a procrastinator at work, but in my personal life I am really bad.  Case in point: taking my drivers test.  I have been in MN for almost 3 years and just now took my test and only then did I take it because my Virginia license was expiring.
I need to do better about both of these things.  Maybe these are two things I can work on after 30 Before 30.  We'll see, I'll decide later, maybe...


P.S. I've been procrastinating all day about writing this post...sorry it's so late!

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