Thursday, October 4, 2012


We all have them, I'm just stupid enough to share them...Things I do that I know I shouldn't:

1. Eat peanut butter straight from the jar.
2. Eat raw cookie dough
3. Sleep (in the guest room) with the laptop so I can watch Netflix til I fall asleep
4. Spend hours and hours on the internet while at work doing nothing work related
5. Hit snooze until the last possible moment every morning

But the number 1 thing I've noticed I do that I really shouldn't lately....
drumroll please
I wipe my hands on the dogs.  Let me explain...
If I am eating downstairs and don't have a napkin and need one I just call one of the dogs over and wipe my hands on them.  I just caught myself doing it and asked myself, "am I really to lazy to get up and get a napkin?"  The answer was, "Addie come here" wipe on the fur.  I figure Rocky can lick her and get a taste.  That's ok right?!?!?

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